At AWM, we approach workplace conflict a little differently than you might be used to. We employ tried and tested resolution techniques but deliver them in a way that recognises the changing nature of work. Using a 4 Step process, we work with people to strengthen workplace relationships and team collaboration.
We specialise in helping our clients and their teams to:
Step 1: Be part of an Intake Process where we diagnose what may be contributing to friction or dysfunction in workplace communication or team dynamics;
Step 2: Identify the best options to address the issues, including Workplace Mediation, Facilitated Discussion, Conflict Coaching or Workplace Assessment;
Step 3: Participate in a process to connect people and resolve the issues; and
Step 4: Learn new strategies and practices they can use to improve collaboration and effectiveness in their face-to-face and online interactions in future.
Contact us now to discuss your workplace needs.